Wednesday, August 21, 2013

5 Years??!!!!

I cannot believe it has been years since I last blogged.  I was never really good at it or had anything of interest to write and my one follower was, my now husband Steve AKA Ponzi.  Regardless, the best moments of my entire life have happened in those years not blogged...
My perfect dream proposal on my birthday, the most amazing wedding and wedding weekend packed with all the love, fun, friends and family one could ever ask for and most recently the birth of the sweetest, smartest most "cunnin" baby girl ever Madelynn Grace (according to us that is).  She is now 6 months and what brings me back to dust off this blog and try to log some of these moments in time, even if just for these two sets of eyes.  You hear me Ponz?

I'll be back when I figure out how to use this site and post pictures again...  :)